
Wake Forest School of Medicine Seminar Public Health Sciences Current State of Blood-based Biomarkers for the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: Ready for Clinical Use? Speaker:                     Michelle Mielke, PhD Date | Time:              Wednesday, May 18th, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. WebEx:            

Wake Forest School of Medicine Seminar Relative and Absolute Harms: Public Health Disparities Speakers:                   Rachel Denlinger, Apte, PhD, MPH                                    Jennifer Ross, PhD Date | Time:              Tuesday, May 17th, 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. WebEx:

Research Shark Tank Competition Date | Time:  Friday, May 20th, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. All projects should: ·         Address an existing issue or problem currently affecting our patient population ·         Propose a new practice, treatment, tool, approach, etc. that has the potential to improve patient care ·         Consider ways to disseminate changes or new best practice to the affected patient population Apply:

Womens Health Research Day Women in Medicine and Science puts on a free annual conference that focuses on research in women’s health and sex differences. One of the missions of Women in Medicine and Science is to develop and implement programs to promote women’s health and sex differences research. Women’s Health Research Day is one of the ways we achieve this mission by showcasing the achievements of investigators in the topic area. Speakers:       Candance Parker-Autry, MD               Sally A. Shumaker, PhD                        Susan Johnson, MD                         Mark A. Espeland, PhD                        Jamy Ard, MD                     Jessica Bartfield, MD                         Tracy Criswell, PhD                         Olivia Gilbert, MD                        Bharathi Upadhya                         Alain G. Bertoni MD                         Bailey Fearing, PhD                         Stephen Kritchevsky, PhD                         Michelle M. Mielke, PhD                       Michael P. Bancks, PhD                       Carol A. Shively, PhD                         Amber K. Brooks, MD                         Kristen M. Beavers, PhD                      Ashley Weaver, PhD                         Kathryn E. Callahan, MD                      Leon Lenchik, MD                       Gopal Badlani, MD                         Candance Parker-Autry, MD                 Nazema Y. Siddiqui, MD Tracy Criswell, PhD Date | Time:  Tuesday, May 24th, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location:       Bowman Gray Center for Medical Education, 5th floor, Tiered Classroom (#5107) 475 Vine Street, Winston-Salem, NC     Register:

NCDRC Alzheimer’s Disease and Diabetes Symposium! Improving Equity & Inclusivity in Clinical Research: What’s Working to Effectively Engage Diverse Communities? 8:30-8:35a Welcome 8:35-9:20a Suzanne Craft, PhD Director, Wake Forest Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Professor, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Wake Forest School of Medicine  

9:20-10:05a C. Ronald Kahn, MD Chief Academic Officer, Joslin Diabetes Center Section Head, Integrative Physiology and Metabolism Mary K. Iacocca Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School  

10:05-10:15a BREAK  

10:15-10:45a Janice Hwang, MD Assistant Professor of Endocrinology, Yale School of Medicine  

10:45-11:00a Miranda E. Orr, PhD “Investigating Neuronal Senescence as a Link Between Diabetes Mellitus and Alzheimer’s Dementia” Assistant Professor, Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine Wake Forest School of Medicine NCDRC Alzheimer’s Disease Pilot Awardee

11:00-11:15a Patrick J. Smith, PhD “Relationship Between Blood Glucose Variability and Novel Measures of Ambulatory Cognitive Function” Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Duke University School of Medicine NCDRC Alzheimer’s Disease Pilot Awardee  

11:15-11:30a Xian Chen, PhD “Novel Multi-Omics Approaches to Diagnose Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease & Predict Progression in Diabetes Patients” Professor, Biochemistry & Biophysics UNC School of Medicine NCDRC Alzheimer’s Disease Pilot Awardee

1:30-12:00p UNC/Duke ADRC Panel Discussion Moderator: Suzanne Craft, PhD Panelist: Heather Whitson, MD - Duke University Gwenn Garden, MD - UNC Chapel Hill Date | Time:             Tuesday, May 10th, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Register:            

Upcoming Events

CPM Collaborative Discussion The Synovial Environment Steers Cartilage Deterioration and Regeneration Speaker:                     Johanna Elin Bolander Date | Time:              Thursday, May 26th, 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Location                    Genomics Conference Room, G-floor NRC