Congratulations to Christopher Whitlow and Mark Cline on the funding of their C06 Construction Grant! 1C06OD030099-01 (Whitlow – TIP director) 09/14/2020 – 05/31/2025 OD NIH $7,335,679 Wake Forest Preclinical Imaging and Irradiation Facility This application seeks funds for the construction of a new, innovative, energy-efficient, 1-story, 10,068 square foot (sf) primate research building, the Wake Forest Preclinical Imaging and Irradiation Facility (PRIMIR), in support of ongoing rapid growth in NIH-funded research at Wake Forest University Health Sciences (WFUHS). This new building will be located on an open site at the 200-acre WFUHS Clarkson Campus and will provide integrated space for specialized animal research. The facility will support 6 major research programs (Radiation Late Effects, Alzheimer’s Disease, Aging, Substance Abuse, Neuro-oncology, and Diabetes/Metabolic Disease); 2 national NIH-funded primate resources (the Radiation Countermeasures Primate Core, and the Vervet Research Colony); and two NIH research training programs, within the context of a research-intensive NIH Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA)-funded institutional environment. Beneficiaries of this new facility will include a nationwide network of NIH-funded investigators. We propose to include Imaging and Irradiation suites for three institutionally-provided items of major equipment, with associated control areas and computer network access. Associated animal holding areas, procedure space, a radioisotope “hot lab” with hood and radioisotope hot cell, and radioactive decay & disposal areas (animal rooms and a cooler) are requested. Institutionally-provided equipment includes a Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) imager, a 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) instrument, and a six megavolt (MV) Linear Accelerator (LINAC). The proposed building also contains the following infrastructure and shared facilities: Open and ABSL-2 restricted corridors, security access controls, loading dock, compressed gas tank storage room, restroom/locker room, automobile parking, and landscaping. All proposed facilities will be designed and operated to comply with the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (8th edition, 2011, National Academies Press), and guide for Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL, 5th edition, 2009, Centers for Disease Control) and in accordance with our long-standing accreditation by the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) and International/federal/state regulations regarding animal care, occupational health, and safety. The timeline for the proposed construction is five years, with an anticipated completion date within four years.
Precision Medicine Leaders Summit – RTP/Population Health Date/Time: October 20-21, 2020 – 9:00am – 12:00pm Info: The North Carolina Precision Health Collaborative in partnership with the Precision Medicine Leaders Summit, will gather renowned experts in precision health who are shaping the field today and for the future, particularly in the areas of Population Health. Speakers will include clinicians, industry experts and c-suite executives, academics, payers, bioinformaticians and policy influencers. This is a two-morning virtual Summit where multi-stakeholders will discuss advancing the science behind, and the more routine implementation of, evidence-based precision medicine. A key feature of this Summit is the opportunities and outcomes between precision medicine and population health. Thought leaders will also provide guidance and roadmaps for addressing policy and other challenges holding back the field. Web: Full agenda: agenda [] Registration (required): registration []
Upcoming Events
CDOM – WFBMI LHS Seminar – Webex Date/Time: Tuesday, Oct 13th – 12:00pm – 1:00pm Presenter: Dr. Kevin Pantalone, DO, ECNU, FACE Staff Endocrinologist Director of Diabetes Initiatives, Endocrinology, Cleveland Clinic Talk Title: Type 2 Diabetes: Therapeutic Inertia, Outcomes, and EHR-based Intensification Tools, Oh My! The presentation will review the current state of T2D management in terms of A1C goal attainment and the prescribing patterns of newer therapies that are approved to reduce CV risk. We will review some of the EHR-derived research projects on the topic of Therapeutic Inertia from the enterprise-wide EHR at Cleveland Clinic (EPIC, MyPractice). Lastly, we will review leveraging the EHR to combat therapeutic inertia, and specifically review the experience at Cleveland Clinic rolling out an EHR-based T2D intensification tool. Webex Info: Meeting number: 161 797 9306 Password: Z5Ytf2Dd9ni Link:
Aging Center Journal Club – Webex Date/Time: Wednesday, Oct 14th – 1:00pm – 2:00pm Article Presenters: Dr. Julia Povchy “Healthy lifestyle and the risk of Alzheimer dementia: Findings from 2 longitudinal studies” Dr. Katherine Hsieh “Different Combinations of Mobility Metrics Derived from a Wearable Sensor are Associated with Distinct Health Outcomes in Older Adults”
Round Robin Article: Dr. Caitlin Jones “Preoperative depressive symptoms associated with poor functional recovery after surgery” Webex Info: Meeting number: 1716769733 Meeting Password: pbYYdb38MT8 Join meeting
Molecular Medicine Journal Club (MMTS 781) – Webex Date/Time: Friday, Oct 16th – 12:15pm – 1:15pm Presenter: Alexandria Szalanczy 3rd year PhD student – Matriculated 2018 Mentor: Leah Solberg-Woods, PhD Program: Molecular Medicine and Translational Science Talk Title: “Microglial UCP2 Mediates Inflammation and Obesity Induced by High-Fat Feeding” Pub Link: WebEx Info: Meeting #: 171 652 6202 Meeting password: xH9JDQsMH33 Join meeting [] Join by phone: +1-415-655-0001 Join by video system:
Recent Publications
*Nagpal R, Neth BJ, *Wang S, Mishra SP, Craft S, Yadav H. Gut Mycobiome and its Interaction with Diet, Gut Bacteria and Alzheimer’s Disease Markers in Subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Pilot Study. EbioMedicine. 2020 Aug 26;59:102950. [Online ahead of print]
Wu FL, Strand AI, Cox LA, Ober C, Wall JD, Moorjani P, Przeworski M. A comparison of humans and baboons suggests germline mutation rates do not track cell divisions. Comparative Study > PloS Biol. 2020 Aug 17;18(8):e3000838. PMCID: PMC7467331.
Chitre AS, Polesskaya O, Holl K, Gao J, Cheng R, Bimschleger H, Martinez AG, George T, Gileta AF, Han W, Horvath A, Hughson A, Ishiwari K, King CP, Lamparelli A, Versaggi CL, Martin C, St Pierre CL, Tripi JA, Wang T, Chen H, Flagel SB, Meyer P, Richards J, Robinson TE, Palmer AA, Solberg Woods LC. Genome-Wide Association Study in 3,173 Outbred Rats Identifies Multiple Loci for Body Weight, Adiposity, and Fasting Glucose. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2020 Aug 29. [Online ahead of print] PMID: 32860487.
Andrews RN, Bloomer EG, Olson JD, Hanbury DB, Dugan GO, Whitlow CT, Cline JM. Non-Human Primates Receiving High-Dose Total-Body Irradiation are a Risk of Developing Cerebrovascular injury Years Post irradiation. Radiat Res. 2020 Sept 16; 194(3):277-287. PMID: 32942304.
Wolanin S, McCal RK, Pettenati MJ, Beaty MW, Insuasti-Beltran G, Powell BL, O’Neill SS. PML-RARA Fusion Transcripts Detectable 8 Months prior to Promyelocytic Blast Crisis in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Case Reports > Case Rep Hematol. 2020 Sept 1;2020:8830595. PMCID: PMC7481999.
*indicates an author who is affiliated in the highlighted member’s lab
Member Highlights
2020 Research Awards Announced!!!!!
Established Investigator in Basic/Translational Science
J. Mark Cline, DVM, PhD (Professor, Patholgy-Comparative Medicine)
Established Investigator in Clinical/Population Science
Carl D. Langefeld, PhD (Professor, Biostatistics & Data Science)
Mentoring Award
John S. Parks, PhD (Professor, Molecular Medicine)
Barbara Nicklas, PhD (Professor, Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine)
Mid-Career Investigator in Basic/Translational Science
Gagan Deep, PhD (Associate Professor, Cancer Biology)
Leah Solberg Woods, PhD (Associate Professor, Molecular Medicine)