Wake Forest Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center – Request for Applications for Development Projects and Pilot Grant Awards WF ADRC is seeking proposals for projects to stimulate new and innovative research relevant to Alzheimer’s disease. The primary focus of this funding is the development of research focused on AD that will lead to publications and extramural research applications, or produce resources useful to the WF ADRC community. The scientific theme of the WF ADRC is the link between metabolic and vascular diseases and the transitions from normal aging to mild cognitive impairment AD, and related disorders. Research that addresses health disparities in AD is also a goal. Projects can be basic, translational, or clinical research, and can encompass biomedical, epidemiological, caregiving, educational, or behavioral research. Development Projects – up to $50,000 for the first year with a consideration for a second year of funding. Pilot Grants – up to $20,000 in funding for one year with up to 5% of direct costs usable for PI effort support. Letters of Intent – Due by November 6th - Invitations November 13th - Full Applications due by January 29th See attachment for complete information.
Entelligence – Pulmonary Hypertension Research – Young Investigator Program Applicants must be engaged principally in basic science, translation and/or clinical research, with a proposal aimed at understanding the pathways and pathophysiology of pulmonary vascular disease. Grant submissions are by invitation only. Length of project must be achievable within a 1 year time frame with a budget up to $100,000 Letters of Intent - Due by Nov 2nd - LOI reviews and Invitations Nov 9 – Dec 2 -Submission Dec 18 – Feb 1 Link for complete information:
NIH Funding Opportunities
Foundation Funding Opportunities
Upcoming Events
Comparative Medicine Research Strategy Meeting Date/Time: Tuesday, Oct 27th – 3:30pm – 4:30pm Presenter: Rebecca M. Sappington, PhD Associate Professor, Dept. of Neurobiology & Anatomy Director of Research and Associate Professor, Dept. of Ophthalmology WFSOM Talk Title: Aging and AD-related Outcomes in Retina: Opportunities for NHP Assessment? WebEx Info: Meeting #: 171 296 0541 Meeting password: NwpNPsmv822
Molecular Medicine Journal Club (MMTS 781) – Webex Date/Time: Friday, Oct 30th – 10:00am – 11:00am Presenter: Allistaire Ruggiero 3rd year PhD student – Matriculated 2018 Mentor: Kylie Kavanagh, DVO Program: Comparative Medicine Talk Title: “Distinct Transcriptional Responses Across Tissue-Resident Macrophages to Short-Term and Long-Term Metabolic Challenge” Brykczynska, U. et al, Cell Reports 30, 1627-1643 2020. Link to paper: WebEx Info: Meeting #: 171 652 6202 Meeting password: xH9JDQsMH33 Join meeting []
Recent Publications
Yong C, Moose DL, Bannick N, Gutierrez WR, Vanneste M, Svensson R, Breheny P, Brown JA, Dodd RD, Cohen MB, Henry MD. Locally Invasive, castrate-resistant prostate cancer in a Pten/Trp53 double knockout mouse model of prostate cancer monitored with non-invasive bioluminescent imaging. PloS One. 2020; 15(9): r0232807. PMCID: PMC7521703.
Suthahar N, Lau ES, Blaha MJ, Paniagua SM, Larson MG, Psaty BM, Benjamin EJ, Allison MA, Bartz TM, Januzzi Jr JL, Levy D, Meems LMG, Bakker SJL, Lima JAC, Cushman M, Lee DS, Wang TJ, deFilippi CR, Herrington DM, Nayor M, Vasan RS, Gardin JM, Kizer JR, Bertoni AG, Allen NB, Gansevoort RT, Shah SJ, Gottdiener JS, Ho JE, de Boer RA. Sex-Specific Associations of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Biomarkers with Incident Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 Sep 22;76(12):1455-1465. PMCID: PMC7493711.
Reynolds LM, Dutta R, Seeds MC, Lake KN, Hallmark B, Mathias RA, Howard TD, Chilton FH. FADS genetic and metabolomic analyses identify the ∆5 desaturase (FADS1) step as a critical control point in the formation of biologically important lipids. Sci Rep. 2020 Sep 28;10(1):15873. PMCID: PMC7522985.
Owen KA, Price A, *Ainsworth H, Aidukaitis BN, Bachali P, Catalina MD, Dittman JM, Howard TD, Kingsmore KM, Labonte AC, *Marion MC, Robl RD, *Zimmerman KD, Langefeld CD, Grammer AC, Lipsky PE. Analysis of Trans-Ancestral SLE Risk Loci Identifies Unique Biologic Networks and Drug Targets in African and European Ancestries. Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Sep 30;S0002-9297(20)30327. [Online ahead of print] PMID: 33031749.
Cai Z, Li Chien-Feng, Liu C, Zhang A, Hsu C-C, Peng D, Zhang X, Jin G, Rezaeian A-H, Wang G, Zhang W, Pan B-S, Wang C-Y, Wang Y-H, Wu S-Y, Yang S-C, Hsu F-C, D’Agostino Jr RB, Furdui CM, Kucera GL, Parks JS, Chilton FH, Huang C-Y, Tsai F-J, Pasche B, Watabe K, Lin H-K. Phosphorylation of PDHA by AMPK Drives TCA Cycle to Promote Cancer Metastasis. Mol Cell. 2020 Oct 15;80(2):263-278.e7. PMCID: PMC7534735.
*indicates an author who is affiliated in the highlighted member’s lab
Member Highlights
2020 Research Awards Announced!!!!!
Established Investigator in Basic/Translational Science
J. Mark Cline, DVM, PhD (Professor, Patholgy-Comparative Medicine)
Established Investigator in Clinical/Population Science
Carl D. Langefeld, PhD (Professor, Biostatistics & Data Science)
Mentoring Award
John S. Parks, PhD (Professor, Molecular Medicine)
Barbara Nicklas, PhD (Professor, Gerontology & Geriatric Medicine)
Mid-Career Investigator in Basic/Translational Science
Gagan Deep, PhD (Associate Professor, Cancer Biology)
Leah Solberg Woods, PhD (Associate Professor, Molecular Medicine)