Upcoming Events 

Breast Cancer Center of Excellence (BCCOE) – Webex Date/Time:     Monday, Nov 30th – 12:00pm – 1:00pm Presenter:       Dr. Pierre-Alexandre Vidi                         Associate Professor, Cancer Biology, WFSOM Talk Title:      Effect of obesity and prediabetes on molecular markers of breast cancer risk” WebEx Info:   Join meeting           Meeting #: 178 107 1216 Password: PMtKHFpD887

Center for Redox Biology and Medicine Seminar – Webex Date/Time:     Tuesday, Dec 1st – 11am – 12pm Presenter:       Dr. Jon Fukuto                         Professor, Chemistry - Sonoma State University Talk Title:       “The Chemical Biology of Hydropersulfides: Possible Cellular Protective Species” WebEx Info:   https://wakehealth.webex.com/wakehealth/onstage/g.php?MTID=e86431c474d155d1ed8f8f7e0ca0fb8a7                         Password: Fukuto2020

Phys/Pharm Virtual Seminar Series – Webex Date/Time:     Thursday, Dec 3rd  – 4:00pm – 5:00pm Presenter:       Mark Ferris, PhD                                     Assistant Professor, Physiology & Pharmacology             Talk Title:       “TBA”             WebEx Info:   Meeting #: 171 316 1571            Password: mvSftNaj252

Molecular Medicine Journal Club (MMTS 781) – Webex Date/Time:     Friday, Dec 4th – 12:15pm – 1:15pm Presenter:       Aaron Deal                         5th year PhD student – Matriculated 2016                         Mentor: Dr. Leah Solberg Woods                         Program: Molecular Medicine and Translational Science Talk Title:        “The Neuroactive Potential of the Human Gut Microbiota in Quality of Life and Depression” Valles-Colomer, M et al, Nature Microbiology (4) Apr 2019, 623-632. Link to paper: https://wakehealth.sharepoint.com/sites/MolecularMedicineResearch/Journal%20Articles/Forms/2019.aspx?viewid=44c12f73%2D6369%2D4467%2Da687%2Dd1094ec260ca&id=%2Fsites%2FMolecularMedicineResearch%2FJournal%20Articles%2FJournal%20Club%2012%204%2020%2Epdf&parent=%2Fsites%2FMolecularMedicineResearch%2FJournal%20Articles WebEx Info:   Meeting #: 171 652 6202 Meeting password: xH9JDQsMH33 Join meeting [wakehealth.webex.com]

Dissertation Defense for Kip Zimmerman Kip is a PhD candidate who has been developing methods for improving reproducibility in the analysis of single cell data. His faculty mentor is Dr. Carl Langefeld (Professor, Biostatistics & Data Sciences) Date/Time:                 Friday, December 4th – 2:00pm – 4:00pm Dissertation title:       “Addressing Pseudoreplication in Single-Cell RNA-seq Differential Expression Analysis”Webex Info: https://wakehealth.webex.com/meet/kdzimmer

Recent Publications

Luo S, Clarke S, Ramanan A, Thompson SD, Langefeld CD, *Maron MC, Grom AA, Schooling CM, Guant TR, Yeung SLA, Zheng J. Platelet glycoprotein Ib alpha chain as a putative therapeutic target for juvenile idiopathic arthritis: a Mendelian randomization study. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2020 Oct 20. [Online ahead of print] PMID: 33079445. https://doi.org/10.1002/art.41561

Zusman M, Gassett AJ, Kirwa K, Barr RG, Cooper CB, Han MK, Kanner RE, Koehler K, Ortega VE, Paine R, Paulin L, Pirozzi C, Rule A, Hansel NN, Kaufman JD. Modeling Residential Indoor Concentrations of PM2.5 , NO 2 , NO x, and secondhand smoke in the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD (SPIROMICS) Air Study. Indoor Air. 2020 Oct 9. [Online ahead of print] PMID: 33037695. https://doi.org/10.1111/ina.12760

Wilson MF, Reske JJ, Holladay J, Neupane S, Ngo J, Cuthrell N, Wegener M, Rhodes M, Adams M, Sheridan R, Hostetter G, Alotaibi FT, Yong PJ, Anglesio MS, Lessey BA, Leach RE, Teixeira JM, Missmer SA, Fazleabas AT, Chandler RL. ARID1A Mutations Promote P300-Dependent Endometrial Invasion through Super-Enhancer Hyperacetylation. Cell Rep. 2020 Nov 10;33(6):108366. PMID: 33176148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108366

Peak TC, Fenu EM, Rothberg MB, Thomas CY, Davis RL, Levine EA. Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Nivolumab/Ipilimumab in a Patient with Metastic Renal Cell Carcinoma. Case Rep Urol. 2020 Nov 1;2020:8846135. PMCID: PMC7652618. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc7652618/

Nzou G, Wicks RT, VanOstrand NR, Mekky GA, Seale SA, El-Taibany Aya, Wicks EE, Nechtman CM, Marrotte EJ, Makani VS, Murphy SV, Seeds MC, Jackson JD, Atala AJ. Author Correction: Multicellular 3D Neurovascular Unit Model for Assessing Hypoxia and Neuroinflammation Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Dysfunction. Sci Rep. 2020 Nov 18;10(1):20384. PMID: 33204010. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-77348-9

*indicates an author who is affiliated in the highlighted member’s lab 

Member Highlights

Newly awarded grants Graca Almeida-Porada (PI) Pfizer, Inc     09.23.2020 – 08.31.2022 “Human-on-Chip Technologies to Study AAV Gene Therapy for Hemophilia A” The goal of the project is to utilize novel microfluidics-based human body-on-a-chip (hBOAC) technology to define the efficacy and safety of human liver-targeted AAV gene therapy for hemophilia. Co-Investigator: Dr. Colin Bishop  

Mark Cline, DVM, PhD (PI) U01 AI150578 08.01.2020 – 07.31.2027 “The Wake Forest Nonhuman Primate Radiation Survivor Cohort” The goal of this proposal is to identify and study relevant patterns of post-irradiation morbidity and mortality in a controlled, well-defined NHP population, by collaborating and sharing data with qualified investigators. Data sharing and administrative oversight are designed to maximize use of the resource.  

Laura Cox, PhD (PI) NCDRC Pilot 09.01.2020 – 08.31.2022 Analysis of Gene Expression in Diabetic Foot Ulcers by Spatial Transcriptomics” The goal of the study is to determine gene expression signatures of different cell types in diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) before and after patients receive treatment to discover potential biomarkers that can predict healing outcome therapies. The ultimate goal is to design a custom spatial gene expression slide to detect the expression of biomarkers in DFU, which could help clinicians make informed decisions on therapy. Co-Investigator: Dr. Jeannie Chan 

Emily Dressler, PhD (Co-Investigator) P30 CA012197-45 (Foley) 09.01.2020 – 08.31.2021 “ATLAS: Alleviating Lung Cancer Disparities through Cancer Control” The overarching goal of ATLAS is to reduce disparities in lung cancer through robust planning for a P01 application. The planning grant will provide dedicated resources for pilot data collection, strategic planning meetings, and project coordination.