Week of 5/18/2020
Ø Research Grant Opportunity: RRF Foundation for Aging (formerly the Retirement Research Foundation) Deadline: June 15, 2020 Eligibility: 501c3 organizations proposing applied research projects that have immediate and direct implications on the adult population, ages 65 and older that will have national relevance across the US. For more information please see the attached flyer.
Recent Publications
Ø Bartlett DL, Howe JR, Chang G, Crago A, Hogg M, Karakousis G, Levine E, Maker A, Mamounas E, McGuire K, Merchant N, Shibata D, Sohn V, Solorzano C, Turaga K, White R, Yang A, Yoon S; Society of Surgical Oncology. Management of Cancer Surgery Cases During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Considerations. Ann Surg Oncol. 2020 Jun; 27(6); 1717-1720. PMCID: PMC7141488. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7141488/
Ø Chen L, Wu CT, Wang N, Herrington DM, Clarke R, Wang Y. debCAM: a Bioconductor R package for fully unsupervised deconvolution of complex tissues. Bioinformatics. 2020 Mar 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 32219387. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa205
Ø Forsythe S, Mehta N, Devarasetty M, Sivakumar H, Gmeiner W, Soker S, Votanopoulos K, Skardal A. Development of a Colorectal Cancer 3D Micro-tumor Construct Platfore from Cell Lines and Patient Tumor Biospecimens for Standard-of-Care and Experimental Drug Screening. Ann Biomed Eng. 2020 Mar; 48(3): 940-952. PMCID: PMC6813880. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10439-019-02269-2
Ø Glynn NW, Gmelin T, Santanasto AJ, Lovato LC, Lange-Maia BS, Nicklas BJ, Fielding RA, Manini TM, Myers VA, de Rekeneire N, Spring BJ, Pahor M, King AC, Rejeski WJ, Newman AB, Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders Study Group. Impact of Baseline Fatigue on a Physical Activity Intervention to Prevent Mobility Disability. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2020 Mar; 68: 619-624. PMID: 31867713. https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.16274
Ø Goel E, Erwin M, Cawthon CV, Schaff C, Fedor N, Rayl T, Wilson O, Christians U, Register TC, Geary RL, Saul J, Yazdani SK. Pre-Clinical Investigation of Keratose as an Excipient of Drug Coated Balloons. Molecules. 2020 Mar 31; 25(7). pii: E1596. PMCID; PMC7180741. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7180741/
Member Highlights
Ø New CPM Member: Matthew Jorgensen, PhD (Associate Professor, Pathology – Comparative Medicine) His research interests include Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Cardiovascular Physiology and Hypertension, Regenerative Medicine, Neuro and Behavioral Pharmacology, Cancer Therapeutics Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Lifespan Physiology.
Graduate Student Highlight
Ø Payton Valure 1st year Master’s student Faculty Mentor: Carol Shively (Pathology – Comparative Medicine) Program: Biomedical Science Research Payton is a first year student looking to get her Master’s degree in biomedical science. She graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2017 with a bachelor’s in biomedical science and a minor in psychology. After graduation she hopes to become a dentist and one day open her own dental practice.