September 6, 2018
Dr. Ellen Quillen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine, Section of Molecular Medicine, and Member of the Center for Precision Medicine, received a 3-year K01 Award from the National Institute of Aging of the NIH entitled "Integrative Multi-Omic Investigation of Age-Related Changes in Trabecular Bone”. Dr. Quillen proposes to test the hypothesis that integrated multi-omic analysis of trabecular bone and skeletal muscle will identify age-related changes unique to the musculoskeletal system relative to other metabolically active tissues. She will use resources from a non-human primate model system to develop proteomic approaches to examine bone samples, integrate the data with gene expression and clinical data, and compare the findings to similar data obtained from other tissues of the same animals. She will be mentored by Dr. Michael Olivier, Dr. Steve Kritchevsky (both Wake Forest School of Medicine) and Dr. Marylyn Ritchie (University of Pennsylvania). Congratulations, Dr. Quillen!