
Ravinder Nagpal, PhD

2017 – Present

Faculty lab: Hariom Yadav, PhD

Dept: Internal Medicine – Molecular Medicine 

Ravi is a postdoctoral research fellow in Dr. Hariom Yadav’s lab. Ravi’s research interests span around understanding the dynamics of gut microbiome in host health and disease, with a focus on host ageing, metabolic diseases including obesity and type-2 diabetes, and brain disorders including anxiety, depression, stress and Alzheimer’s. He completed a PhD in Microbiology from National Dairy Research Institute, Haryana, India. Subsequently, he received a postdoctoral training at Juntendo School of Medicine, Tokyo (Japan) where he investigated the evolution of human gut microbiome develop during infancy and early childhood and how does different neonatal and perinatal factors influence this early-life microbiota ontogenesis. Currently, he is investigating the role of gut microbiome in the pathobiology of obesity and type-2 diabetes. In addition, he is studying how different dietary factors influence the host gut, metabolic and neurological health; how gut microbiome is involved in the mediation of this diet-health interface; and whether and how the modulation of gut microbiome by probiotics and prebiotics could ameliorate the pathology of these disorders. He is a religious believer of the notions, “Let food be thy medicine” and “We are what we eat”. Writing, traveling, socializing, painting, music, and binging on healthy foods is what he does when he is not in the lab.