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Shane Sills

2nd year PhD Student – Matriculated 2018

1st year T32 Post-Doctoral Fellow

Mentor(s): Mark Cline, DVM, PhD, DACVP (Radiation Survivor Cohort and Primate Cancer Initiative)

Program: Molecular Medicine and Translational Sciences 

Shane grew up in southeastern North Carolina, and earned a BS in Zoology and DVM from North Carolina State University. After veterinary school, he completed a residency in anatomic pathology at Cornell University, with board certification by the American College of Veterinary Pathologists (ACVP). His research interests are in cancer biology and immunology, as well as carcinogenesis in long-term survivors of whole-body irradiation. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking, fishing, camping, reading, video games and comics, as well as spending time with his amazing fiancé wonderful family, and adorable dog Rhea.